American Rhododendron Society and its Chapters American Rhododendron Society - is the site of the ARS and contains a good deal of information about the society and rhododendrons. One of the highlights is a data bank containing information on over 1,000 rhododendrons, often with a picture of the plant. There is a separate site for the 2002 joint national convention of the American Rhododendron Society and the Azalea Society of America. Azalea Chapter, ARS discusses native azaleas and rhododendron culture in the South. Cascade Chapter, ARS, located in Washington, has a brief site inviting people to their next meeting. Connecticut Chapter, ARS has a good deal of information, including a detailed history of the chapter. Danish Chapter, ARS is an excellent site with much information in English and some very good links. Herb Spady's "Rhododendron Species Directory" is just one of the many valuable items available here. Massachusetts Chapter, ARS contains a great deal of information, but could use better organization. Their publication The Rosebay is also available on-line. New York Chapter, ARS basically discusses the chapter's activities and also includes issues of their newsletter, which is, however, largely chit-chat. Piedmont Chapter, ARS, centered in Charlotte, NC, has a good deal of cultural information as well as a number of interesting links. Portland Chapter, ARS concentrates primarily on the chapter's local activities in the Portland, OR, area. The Scottish Rhododendron Society, ARS has a brief page mentioning the club's activities and membership benefits. Seattle Chapter, ARS is an interesting site featuring the "Rhododendron of the Month" along with cultual information.Their newsletter is also available on-line. Willamette Chapter, ARS has several lists of rhododendrons that are appropriate for certain situations and a lengthy series of valuable links compiled by Betty Spady. * These four San Francisco Bay area chapters have the same URL and merely have information about their meetings and a contact point.
Canadian Chapters [Except for the two Rhododendron Society of Canada chapters, these are all in British Columbia (five on Vancouver Island), and have similar sites hosted by Hedgerows Garden Tapestry, except for the Victoria Rhododendron Society.) Atlantic Region, RSC contains a good deal of interesting information. Cowichan Valley Rhododendron Society, ARS briefly describes chapter activities. Fraser South Rhododendron Society, ARS has a brief description of chapter activities. Fraser Valley Rhododendron Society, ARS briefly describes chapter activities. Mount Arrowsmith Rhododendron Society, ARS has a description of the climatic region of eastern Vancouver Island where the chapter is centered. Nanaimo Rhododendron Society, ARS is more extensive than the other BC sites and includes a list of the winners of the popularity contests at their truss shows. Niagara Region, RSC is a very nice site that is still expanding. An interesting aspect here is the description of several members' gardens. North Island Rhododendron Society, ARS apparently does not have a separate web site, but information on the chapter may be found at the ARS District 1 web site, along with some information on the other British Columbia chapters. Peace Arch Rhododendron Society, ARS is similar to the other Hedgerows-hosted sites, but does have a photo gallery, with descriptions of several varieties. Vancouver Rhododendron Society, ARS has a brief description of the chapter, along with a schedule of events. Victoria Rhododendron Society, ARS contains a number of interesting articles on several aspects of and experiences with gardening.
Other Rhododendron and Azalea Sites The Atlantic Food and Horticulture Research Centre in Kentville, Nova Scotia, has several interesting items, including a Guide to the Rhododendron Plantings, with pictures of the varieties developed there. Azalea Society of America discusses azaleas and the activities of the society and its chapters. Don Hyatt's Garden Center an excellent site by an ARS member from Virginia Henning's Rhododendron & Azaleas Pages is a general treatise on a wide-ranging variety of topics, with one of the most-detailed sections on problems that may arise with rhododendrons. Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust is a rhododendron preserve and garden in the rain forest of the North Island of New Zealand. Rhododendron and Azalea News is the electronic newsletter of the ARS edited by Betty Spady. This interesting collection of practically everything draws on chapter newsletters as well as other sources and comes out several times a year. The previous issues may be found at UVA's Rhododendron Web Resources. The Rhododendron, Camellia & Magnolia Group is a group within the Royal Horticultural Society. Rhododendron Club of Finland is increasing its material in English and contains some valuable information, especially regarding the culture of rhododendrons in northern Europe. The Rhododendron e-mail Group is an information exchange for rhododendron enthusiasts throughout the world. It's certainly worth checking out if you are interested in rhododendrons. The Rhododendron Guide has some great pictures along with helpful cultural information. Rhododendron Species Foundation is probably THE site if your main interest is rhododendron species. Rhododendrons and their Relatives in Atlantic Canada is full of information and very-well illustrated. Société Bretonne du Rhododendron is a group of French rhododendron fanciers. The site does contain some valuable information in English and is well-illustrated. The University of Virginia Guide to Rhodendron Web Resources contains links to a number of publications available on the Internet as well as the back issues of Rhododendron and Azalea News. Virtual Rhododendron Garden is a collection of pictures of hybrid and native rhododendrons from North Carolina. The Vireya Rhododendron e-mail Group exchanges information about the vireya, or tropical, rhododendrons. It is much less active than the similar rhododendron e-mail group.
Other Plant Society Sites The American Hemerocallis Society The North American Native Plant Society
Our "Deer" Friends Deer Defenses is a good place to start. This is a site from Cornell University with Cornell's own information as well as links to a number of other sites dealing with the deer problem. There are also links to many of the repellents and other counter measures. Cornell also has a site on wildlife damage. Home and Garden Information Center is an excellent site from Clemson University. It's links page is one of the best horticultural links sites on the Internet and contains links to all the state Cooperative Extension Services. Many of them have information regarding deer problems in the garden. Maryland Cooperative Extension has a couple of publications that may prove useful in the struggle against Bambi's relatives. One, FS655, "Wildlife Damage Management: Resistance of Woody Ornamentals to Deer Damage", is available on-line. The other is EB354, "Managing Deer Damage in Maryland," avaiilable from Maryland Cooperative Extension. The Internet Center for Wildllife Damage Management is a much wider-ranging site than its name indicates, even including information regarding the conservation of some species. It is oriented more toward larger scale operations in the western states, however. My Deer Garden, while a commercial site, still contains a great deal of valuable information on gardening in an area with a large deer population. The plant database is particularly interesting and helpful.