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Proven Performers for District Ten Chapters
Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee and North and South Carolina

The Public Education Committee asked chapters to compile lists of the best performing rhododendrons in their areas.  The list below give plants with good form, foliage and flowers that are hardy and resistant to pests and diseases for the given area.  The listed plants have proven their ability to perform well in members' gardens and are recommended to others.

Azalea Chapter
(Georgia & Florida); USDA Zone 7b
Plant descriptions (Elepidotes and Lepidotes)

‘Anah Kruschke’
‘Anna Rose Whitney’
‘Arthur Bedford’
‘County of York’
‘Dexter’s Giant Red’
‘Dexter’s Purple’
‘English Roseum’
‘Grace Seabrook’
‘Janet Blair’
‘Mrs. Tom H. Lowinsky’
‘Parker’s Pink’
‘Platinum Pearl’
‘Roseum Elegans’
‘Trude Webster’
‘Van Nes Sensation’
‘Anna Baldsiefen’
‘Dora Amateis’
‘Olga Mezitt’
R. keiskei
R. minus var. chapmanii
Deciduous Azaleas:
‘Hazel Hamilton’
‘My Mary’
R. alabamense
R. arborescens
R. atlanticum
R. austrinum
R. calendulaceum
R. canescens
R. flammeum
R. periclymenoides
R. prunifolium
R. vaseyi

Birmingham & Chattahoochee Chapters
(Birmingham, Northern Alabama & West Central Georgia)  USDA Zone 7 and 8
Plant descriptions (Elepidotes and Lepidotes)

‘Blue Ensign’
‘Dexter’s Purple’
‘Janet Blair’
‘Mardi Gras’
‘Nova Zembla’
‘Red Eye’
‘Ruby Bowman’
R. catawbiense
‘Anna Baldsiefen’
‘Dora Amateis’
‘Olga Mezitt’
R. keiskei
R. minus var. chapmanii
Deciduous Azaleas:
‘Hazel Hamilton’
‘My Mary’
R. arborescens
R. alabamense
R. atlanticum
R. austrinum
R. calendulaceum
R. canescens
R. flammeum
R. periclymenoides
R. prunifolium
R. vaseyi

Evergreen Azaleas:
‘Beth Bullard’
‘Conversation Piece’
‘Elsie Lee’
‘George Lindley Taber’
‘Gumpo White Sport’
‘Koromo Shikiibu’
‘Marian Lee’
‘Midnight Flair’
‘White Rosebud’ (Kehr)

Southeastern, William Bartram, Piedmont Chapters
(North & South Carolina & Eastern Tennessee)   USDA Zone 8)
Plant descriptions (Elepidotes and Lepidotes)

‘Anna Kruschke’
‘Anna Rose Whitney’
‘Arthur Bedford’
‘Ben Moseley’
‘County of York’
‘David Gable’
‘English Roseum’
‘Gomer Waterer’
‘Grace Seabrook’
‘Great Smoky’
'Haag’s Choice’
‘Janet Blair’
‘Joe Brooks’
‘Josephine Everitt’
‘Ken Janeck’
‘Lee’s Dark Purple’
‘Mountain Marriage’
‘Percy Wiseman’
‘Phyllis Korn’
‘Red Eye’
‘Roseum Elegans’
‘The Honourable Jean
 Marie de Montague’
‘Tom Everett’
‘Wyandanch Pink’
Sham’s Royalty Series
R. degronianum ssp
R. hyperythrum
R. maximum

‘Chapmanii Wonder’
‘Dora Amateis’
‘Ginny Gee’
‘Mary Fleming’
‘Olga Mezitt’
‘Patty Bee’
‘Yellow Eyes’
PJM Group
R. keiskei
R. minus

Deciduous Azaleas:
‘Evening Glow’
‘Mount Saint Helen’
Choptank Series
Northern Lights Series
R. alabamense
R. atlanticum
R. austrinum
R. bakeri (cumberlandense)
R. calendulaceum
R. canescens
R. flammeum (speciosum)
R. molle ssp. japonicum

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Last updated: 08/16/02.